Ready to Adopt
Stacey & Christopher
Hello! We are Christopher and Stacey. Thanks for taking a moment to get to know us. Our hearts are with you and your baby as you make this difficult decision. We are wishing the best for you both on this journey, whichever way it may lead.
We are a creativity-loving couple living just outside of Austin, TX. We are both graphic designers – in fact, that’s how we met! Sitting side-by-side at work, we became friends that eventually realized next to each other is where we’d always like to be. We’ve been married for over 10 years and are looking forward to our next adventure as parents!
Going through infertility was an immensely challenging experience but we feel grateful that it brought us closer together. It gave us additional time to truly consider what parenthood means to us and opened our hearts to adoption. We are so excited to meet our future son or daughter and share our love with them!
Things We Can’t Wait to Do as a Family
Play pretend | Eat Stacey’s Homemade Beefaroni | Travel to Norway to visit our child’s Auntie | Visit the grandparents | Teach him or her how to make a couch cushion fort | Cheer on the Austin Spurs | Sing silly songs by the Aquabats | Watch Star Wars | Make Christmas ornaments | Hike Turkey Creek Trail

Our Pet
We have a personality-filled senior kitty named Rori. She loves to snuggle under throw blankets with us. She will even paw at the blankets edge to tell us she wants under!

We live in a cute 2-story, 3 bedroom house thats interior reflects our creative personalities. The first time our nephews visited, they were quick to spot the climbing potential of the peach tree in the backyard. The neighborhood park is just around the corner and has a big, grassy area for running around, a nice playscape, beautiful trees, and a pool.

When we have free time together, we love to go on hikes or walks and soak up the sights and sounds of nature. Traveling is something else we enjoy and exploring a new place together inspires us. We like doing creative projects together like fixing up a piece of furniture, baking cookies to decorate, or crafting. For a cozy evening in, we like to find a movie to watch, get out a puzzle, or play MarioKart and Animal Crossing on our Nintendo Switches together. Quality time as a family is something we value deeply and we are eager to share activities and adventures big and small with our future little one!

Parenting Philosophy
We want to teach our child to make good decisions through guidance and asking questions with a goal of helping them develop their discernment. Always with a listening ear to understand what they are feeling or why they may have acted out. We want to enthusiastically support them in their interests and help them build confidence in the things that make them special. Above all, we want them to know just how much they are loved!

Our Extended Family
Our family has been so supportive and encouraging of us as we’ve navigated infertility and starting our family. They’re very excited to see us pursue open adoption and have lots of love ready for their new cousin, niece/nephew, or grandchild.

5 Things About
Is the cat’s favorite piece of furniture.
Likes to reunite dish sets and salt and pepper shakers with their matches when she finds them in separate aisles while thrifting.
Voiceovers a character on a coworker’s sci-fi podcast.
Uses her creative skills to write, illustrate, craft, cloth herself, and otherwise make the world a more sparkly, whimsical place.
Has seen U2 in concert three times (and counting). 🤘

5 Things About
Has a continuously updated playlist of music videos from different genres, decades, and countries.
Has a collection of lapel pins of various things fit for any occasion.
Enjoys baking impromptu chocolate chip cookies.
Prefers to fix before replacing or throwing anything away.
Used to play drums in a few punk rock bands in high school.