Buscando adoptar un bebé

Sara & Joe

Sara and Joe have recently welcomed a baby into their home and are no longer available to be matched with. Other families are still waiting though, and you can VIEW THEM HERE. To learn about additional families or to speak with an adoption specialist, please call Adoption Advocates at (512) 477-1122.

We live in Austin, TX with our 2 dogs near lots of family and friends with extended family in El Paso & Dallas. From the moment we met in 2016, we were instant friends. We have a very compatible, twisted sense of humor and cracked each other up constantly. We both felt like it was the first time we could be ALL of ourselves with a partner and the first time we felt like we were HOME. On the surface we seemed different – our culture, religion, and traditions. However, we both grew up with big extended families where humor & laughter were predominant, love & connection were prioritized over money & means, faith over religion, and every family tradition included a huge home-cooked meal.

We hope the love we have to give to a child shows throughout our profile as well as our sense of humor, our love of adventure & play, our unbreakable bond with our blended families & friends, our celebration of each other’s culture & heritage, and our deep desire to share our life, our love, and our joy with a child. We eagerly welcome an open adoption plan if that is what feels right to you.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us!

Things We Can’t Wait to Do as a Family

Read Where the Wild Things Are and The Chronicles of Narnia | Travel to Ono Fruit Farm in Maui to eat fruit straight from the trees | Visit Sara’s sister’s family in California for beach time | Celebrate Christmas in El Paso with Abuela Rita’s homemade Tamales & Menudo | Teach him or her how to become fluent in English and Spanish | Cheer on the Longhorns and dress them head to toe in Burnt Orange | Sing any 90’s Rap Song (Kidz Bop version of course) | Bake cookies, bread, and Sara’s famous biscuits and gravy | Let them know its ok to cry and feel your feelings | Take them volunteering

black pit bull mix and small fluffy white dog sleeping


Penelope and Oliver. These two live for walks to the dog park, playing with kiddos, doing tricks for treats, and snuggling with us on the bed. They are both well-trained, super sweet, gentle, and loving.

two-story brick home in Austin where prospective adoptive parents live


We live in a great family neighborhood in Austin which features a fishing pond with 6 miles of hiking trails, 2 parks with playscapes, a community library, and a rec center with tons of year-round kids activities. After 7 years of living here, we can’t wait to take our kid fishing, play in the park, ride bikes on the trails, walk the dogs to the dog park, and play dates with our next-door neighbors and their 2 young children.

adoptive parents at a UT football game in Austin, TX


Coming from very humble beginnings. we both grew up wondering what it would be like to take a vacation or even fly on a plane someday. Adventures with the ones you love are truly worth the wait. We are so excited to share our travel adventures with a little one (even if the other passengers on the flight aren’t as enthusiastic).

We also look forward to backyard BBQs & play dates with our friends’ kids, teaching them how to help around the house with home projects, introducing them to music, theatre, and comedy, and instilling in them the importance of being of service within your community, and of course, dressing them up head to toe in burnt orange for their first UT Longhorns game!

ready to adopt white mom and latino dad with niece

Parenting Philosophy

If you choose to, we want you to be part of your child’s life as much as you feel comfortable, so they can have an appreciation for the tremendous demonstration of love you have made. Your child will always know where they came from, their heritage, the traditions you would like to be passed down, and how much you love them.

More than anything, we want you to know that we will love your child unconditionally. We promise to provide an upbringing in which generosity, kindness, and respect for others & themselves are taught every day. We promise to expose your child to different forms of art, sports, education, religion, cultures, nature, and humor. Through this, we hope they will learn to love and appreciate the world and the different people and places that comprise it. Most importantly, we also promise to encourage your child’s dreams and provide them the tools, opportunities, guidance, and support to be whatever they dream to be.

Hound dog Lucy in front of a fireplace

What Adoption Means to Us

We both interestingly, had a desire to adopt from a young age. Specifically for Joe, whose mom was pushed to have him at 16 years old, it is the opportunity to offer someone the choice for themselves & their child that his mother didn’t have. We tried to get pregnant first and after 6 years of unsuccessful IVF attempts, we decided to stop. Thinking about what was important to us, we realized that loving and nurturing a child was far more important than giving birth.

We enjoy the hell out of each other; we love our blended families & friends, and we can’t wait to share our abundance of love & support with a child of our own.

la madre de un familia de austin que quiere adoptar

5 Things About


I am good at, according to Joe, lightening any mood with the most contagious laugh & smile.

I’m terrible at remembering movies I’ve watched right after I’ve watched them. (Joe calls me “50 First Dates”.)

Favorite quote is “There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” – Leonard Cohen

Lived in London & LA where I acted on stage and in films.

Co-authoring a book that will be published in Fall 2024.

la padre de un familia de austin que quiere adoptar

5 Things About


I’m good at, according to Sara, having the quickest wit and cracking a joke at the exact right time (usually a movie reference).

I’m terrible at bagging groceries with a long behind me.

Favorite quotes are  “The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” by Muhammad Ali and “Everybody has a plan until they get hit.” by Mike Tyson (I’ve learned to roll with the punches because life always has a way of changing your perfectly laid out plans.)

Fluent in English and Spanish.

HUGE Texas Longhorns fan. Hook ‘em, Horns!

Get In Touch with Sara & Joe

If you think we might be the right match for you and your child, we’d love to hear from you! You can send us a message online or call our agency, Adoption Advocates, at (512) 477-1122 / (800) 966-HOPE to get connected.