Amanda & Jessica
Thank you for taking the time to hear our story and consider us as prospective parents. We know this is a weighty decision and can’t imagine how challenging it must be. We also know that you love your child fiercely or you would not be considering their future so carefully.
We wish that we could offer you a hug, a hot beverage, and a chance to talk about your feelings. Since we cannot, we hope that reading our profile will provide you with some reassurance—that you will make the right decision for yourself and your child, no matter what that happens to be.
A little about us: we are Amanda and Jessica, currently adoptive parents to a sweet, amazing little boy named Julian, who can’t wait to be a big brother. We are hoping to expand our family through a second open adoption—we know that we have so much more love to give!
We know you’re being presented with a lot of information, and it might be overwhelming. But please know that if you decide to place your child with us, we will do everything in our power to ensure that they grow up safe, happy, healthy, and unconditionally loved. We would also like you to know that we will think of you with gratitude and respect every day.
Things We Can’t Wait to Do as a Family
Play Hide and Seek | Read Love You Forever | Visit the Thinkery | Celebrate Christmas | Teach him or her how to ride a bike | Sing “I Love You a Bushel and a Peck” | Watch Bluey | Bake Jessica’s grandmother’s Christmas cookies | Make sourdough bread | Go to music class

Meet Julian
We met Julian in January of 2022, on his second day of life, and brought him home two days later. Watching him grow and thrive has been one of the greatest joys we’ve ever experienced. He is kind, caring, funny, and inquisitive. He loves all vehicles (but especially choo choo trains), sports, sandboxes, and playing pretend.
We know he will make the best big brother: he loves spending time with family, babies, and being a helper. Through our ongoing visits with his birth mom, he’s been able to connect with his younger biological sister, and their sweet relationship is one of the best gifts open adoption has offered us. He’s also very close with his adoptive cousin (six months older), all his grandparents, and his aunts and uncles. We cannot imagine a more loving, caring son, or a more open and welcoming member of our family.

We bought our house in mid-2022 and have been slowly making it into our dream home ever since. The backyard and the playroom are our favorite parts. We love our beautiful pecan trees, fenced-in swimming pool, swing set, and garden! On days when the rain or Texas heat keep us inside, we can always build epic train tracks or block towers in the playroom. We also have four bedrooms and an open-concept living area. Our two cats, Zoe and Washi, are loving the larger space and the kitty shelves we installed for when they need a break from toddler playtime.
Our neighborhood has a suburban feel but is only a short drive from downtown Austin. We love that we are part of a diverse, welcoming community of neighbors. We are still meeting new people on walks around the block! We also love to take advantage of parks, nature trails, and other kid-friendly activities in the area.

Our Parenting Philosophy
We don’t subscribe to any specific parenting philosophy in its entirety, but we are inspired by a few different approaches. The most important thing to us is that our children feel safe, loved, and supported in being who they are. We try to create an environment where our son is free to explore, make his own decisions, and learn on his own, but within safe boundaries and while respecting others.
We don’t believe in fear-based discipline or corporal punishment, but we do feel it’s important not to “save” kids from uncomfortable experiences or the natural consequences of their actions. We try to center the child in our decision-making and hope to raise our children to be resilient, generous, and loving.

Our Extended Family
Family is what drew us (back) to Texas. Both of Amanda’s parents, as well as her sister and sister’s family, live near us. Our nephew even goes to the same preschool as Julian! Her brother is close as well (in Houston), and her other sister, though she lives in California, loves being an auntie and prioritizes family time. We love gathering for major holidays, birthdays, or any other excuse to celebrate.
We are very close with Jessica’s mom, who we visit multiple times a year and talk to several times a week. She lives in upstate New York, where Jess is from. We also talk regularly to Jess’s sister and sister-in-law, who live in Denver, and her dad and stepmom, who live in Canada. We wish they lived closer, but it is great to have so many fun places to visit and guests for our guest room!
Seeing our parents and siblings become grandparents, aunts, and uncles has truly brought out the best in every one of them. We know they will be just as present, loving, and supportive when we add a new child to the family.

What Adoption Means to Us
We started talking about adoption almost as soon as we started talking about a future together. As a same-sex couple with fertility issues on both sides, we knew that having biological children would mean challenging medical treatments. We knew we could love an adopted child just as much, so it seemed like a no-brainer! Though there was a lot we didn’t know when we first began considering adoption, everything that’s happened since has confirmed that it was the path for us.
We’ve gained family members not only in our son, but in his birth family as well. We love getting to join in the adventures Julian’s birth mom plans for him! As we think about expanding our family once more, we look forward to developing a relationship with a new birth family. We hope we can support them in feeling their child is in good hands, and support a child in having a strong sense of identity.

5 Things About
I knit and crochet stuffed animals and loveys. The first one was so bad that I joked that I should start a “baby gifts for babies you hate” business, but they’ve gotten a lot better.
I reread all six published Jane Austen novels every summer. I get something new out of it every year!
I’m unnaturally good at jigsaw puzzles and make people mad by finding a piece in a few seconds that they’ve been looking for for a long time.
I was in band and choir in middle school and high school. I played clarinet and sang soprano.
I have a completed draft of my first novel and hope one day (who knows when) to find time to edit it.

5 Things About
I have a law degree and a masters in philosophy. Amanda’s dad’s nickname for me is “The Philosopher.”
I played classical guitar as a child. The guitar was passed around to family members, but they gave it back to me when I became a mom to play with my kids.
I studied abroad in Nottingham, UK, home of Robin Hood.
I still have friends from as far back as kindergarten and second grade.
I grew up in upstate New York, and now I live in Texas, so I can withstand extremes of both heat and cold!

5 Things About
He is obsessed with choo choo trains and can play with them for hours!
He loves to tell people his age when they first meet.
When he’s asked a question he doesn’t understand, his default response is, “cupcakes.”
He tells us he needs a haircut by pointing out that his last haircut is “going away.”
He loves “mommy” (Jessica), “mama” (Amanda), and “mommymama” (both/either).