Jenny & Steph
Jenny and Steph have recently welcomed a new baby into their home and are no longer available to be matched with. Other families are still waiting though, and you can VIEW THEM HERE. To learn about additional families or to speak with an adoption specialist, please call Adoption Advocates at (512) 477-1122.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know us and our family!
We can only imagine the emotions you are going through at this time. The choice of placing your baby with another family is a very difficult decision. We believe you are brave, courageous, loving, and thoughtful thinking about your child’s future. We will love your child and do everything we can for them. We spend a lot of time with family and friends, having dinner, game nights, singing and dancing, going to the movies and theatre, making memories. When you look at our profile, we hope you see the beautiful village we have and what kind of life your child would have with us. Our son Carter is adopted and we can’t wait for him to have a sibling to grow up with. The amount of love we have for him has no words and we are ready to spread that love to your child. Our goal is to raise a child who is kind, honest, and hard working; being a good person bringing positive change.
Things We Can’t Wait to Do as a Family
Play video games | Read kids books in funny voices | Travel to visit family in Hawaii | Visit live theatre | Teach him or her how to play the piano | Celebrate Halloween | Bake cakes and brownies

Our Son
Carter was born in 2019 and loves all things with wheels, duplo legos, books, and a really good laughing session.
He’s good at making up games for all of us to play.
He enjoys playing outside, running, jumping, and climbing on everything! He’s funny, curious, creative, and loves being together. He’s nurturing and will be a great big brother.

Our Extended Family
We spend a lot of time together and Carter is watched by a family member every day of the week. We all bought houses close to each other and live about 5 minutes apart from Stephanie’s Mom and Brother’s Family. Our time together is spent having family dinners, game nights, swimming in the summers and celebrating holidays and birthdays! Our cousins live in the area as well, so we have lots of fun get togethers with all the cousins and kiddos.
Our Favorite Holiday
Jenny’s birthday is on Halloween and we do it up in style! She enjoys making costumes for family and friends, we dress up, go trick or treating, and carve pumpkins. We love dressing up as a family for Halloween and going trick or treating. It’s 3 households of us walking around Stephanie’s mothers neighborhood.

We have two dogs, Xander and Oz. They are litter mates and they have been part of our family for 14 years. They are blue heeler mixes. They are sweet and think they are still lap dogs even though they are 50+ pounds! When they were younger they loved a good wrestle and chase session; now they love to take long naps and sun bathe outside. They are the sweetest and most loving boys and we are lucky to have had them for this long.

We live about 5 minutes apart from Stephanie’s Mom and Brother’s Family. Our house is a 4 bedroom/3 bath 2500 square foot home in Pflugerville. We have an open concept floorplan so we can cook and socialize with who’s in the living room. We love playing games, watching movies, doing crafts, and just being together. Due to Covid, we had virtual school for our niece and nephew and a family friend at our house. We care deeply about the environment and have solar panels on the house. Our neighborhood is diverse with lots of young families.

5 Things About
Has a degree in costume design and works as a costumer for a local theatre company.
Her Birthday is on Halloween and has a great time dressing up family and friends making fabulous costumes!
Was an extra in a movie when she was an acting major at Texas State.
Loves to decorate and organize.
Loves singing, dancing, and playing with Stephanie and Carter.

5 Things About
Is an avid movie lover and volunteers as a screener for a film festival.
She cares a lot about the environment, and checks our solar production on the app every night.
Is a Vegetarian.
Enjoys cooking and has recently started baking.
Did NOT vote for Donald Trump.