Dany & Jeremy
Dany and Jeremy have recently welcomed a baby into their home and are no longer available to be matched with. Other families are still waiting though, and you can VIEW THEM HERE. To learn about additional families or to speak with an adoption specialist, please call Adoption Advocates at (512) 477-1122.
Hello and thank you for visiting us! Jeremy and Danyelle have been married for eleven years and have two dogs (Lucy and Mr. Feeny) and a cat (Joslyn). We are a family that embraces creativity, sports, and laughter! Jeremy is a professional comedy writer and has 3 fiction story telling podcasts in production with more in the works. We actively rep the Dallas Cowboys, The Mavericks, and Tottenham Hotspurs FC for teams, but there’s always room to pick your own path and fandom in our house be it sports, gaming, or anything in between. We have a very big, diverse, loving family and friend support system. Everyone has been active in our journey to expand our family and are just as excited as us for our future little one. We are eager to bring our child home to give them every opportunity to blossom into who they are and will become.
Things We Can’t Wait to Do as a Family
Play Monopoly | Read Go-Dogs-Go | Travel to the beach | Visit Meow Wolf | Celebrate Thanksgiving | Teach him or her how to learn to love themselves for who they are | Watch The Goonies | Sing any song they end up finding interesting | Bake Christmas cookies | Make finger painting or play-doh art

Our Pets
We have 3 fur-babies: Joslyn the cat, Lucy the red headed dog, and Feeny the tiny sweet pup.

Our home is cozy and welcoming in a quiet part of San Antonio. We are close by to my Dad Curt and his girlfriend Sherry so we have family nearby. The house is a 3-bed, 2-bath home with a lush backyard made for running around in. Inside we keep it very open and flowy with pictures of friends and family hung about, a pineapple-themed bathroom, and a collage of inspiration in Jeremy’s office. The baby’s room is being decorated still but we’ve collected things over the years: books, gifts, a pair of baby converse shoes so baby and dad can match their kicks, bears from our childhood for when baby is old enough for stuffed animals, and all sorts of whimsical art.

Our hobbies include our pets and our podcasting of course but outside of that we love going for hikes and trying new restaurants. We enjoy a good road trip (we went from Texas to LA with lots of stops between) and traveling and exploring new cities and towns.

Parenting Philosophy
Children are humans with needs, feelings, and opinions that are valid and should be listened to and taken into account. Now that doesn’t mean that our child will get their way but they won’t, to the best of our ability, feel that they cannot come to us with their feelings. We want to nurture them and teach them how to make good and safe decisions in life and outside of that to help them find themselves and how to love that self.

Our Extended Family
We both have very large families that are actively ready to be part of our childs life. Jeremy’s family includes his father and step mom and two sisters and a nephew on one side and on the other his mother and step father and all his other five siblings and their children. They all live in Texas, and the majority of them in the same town (which makes visits really easy!) Dany’s family is also expansive, mostly living on the east coast. Both families are diverse with the heritage spanning from Irish to Mexican to African American to Malaysian.

How We Met
We met 13 years ago by fate! Dany was visiting her bio mom in Texas during her college summer break (she was attending uni in VA) and decided to get a summer job. Her mom recommended a call center where she’d worked years before and so Dany went for it. In the meantime Jeremy had already gotten a job in San Marcos where he lived an hour away but the job kept delaying the training class to the point where he had to get another job and he would end up at the same call center, an hour away, where Dany would be working. On their first day Dany took a seat next to Jeremy and despite Jeremy’s shyness Dany got him to start talking, breaking the ice because she was humming ‘Brown Eyed Girl’ which was Jeremy’s favorite song. By that Friday of that week they would go on their first date and the rest is a long happily ever after.

What Adoption Means to Us
Adoption means expanding our family and bringing us a child to love, care for, and raise as well as expanding our family by the new family we will gain with the lifelong connection we will share and relationship we will have with our child’s bio-parents. Given that a blended non-biological family is already ingrained in both of our families DNA, adoption isn’t a scary unknown for us but rather something that makes sense to the story of our love. We are honored to be our child’s parents, whoever they will one day be; we already love our child because we have wanted them and cried for them and worried for them and been excited for and planned for them for so long now.

5 Things About
Grew up in Newport News, Virginia, attended college in Newport News, Virginia, but then moved to Texas after meeting and later becoming engaged to Jeremy and has lived in Texas for the last 12 years.
While her corporate career is in Project Management, she attended university for Theater and has become a voice actress for audio drama shows (such as the lead in the rom-com ‘Margaritas and Donuts’ and the space sci-fi ‘Chaika’)
Has a heart for volunteering in her community, prior to moving to San Antonio she was heavily involved with the ‘walkers/crawlers’ team for her Austin Church as well as giving time to St. David’s Hospital NICU.
Is an avid Big Brother fan, having started watching as a way to reconnect with her own biological mother after being separated for most of her childhood. She hopes to one day get on the show and win the prize but is content until then to watch the contest every summer with Jeremy and friends.
Has 7 siblings, most of whom are younger, and two nieces. However she is aunt to her chosen family, her closest girlfriends whom she’s remained friends with since High School and College, which brings her niece and nephew count to six.

5 Things About
Grew up in Brownwood, Texas, attended college in San Angelo, Texas, and spent most of their 20s and 30s in Austin, Texas.
Has a huge heart for animals, especially dogs and cats (hence why we have 3!)
Wrote and produced audio drama stories that have been in the top 50 of apples podcast lists as well as have won ‘Audio Verse Award’s.
Has 7 siblings and 9 nephews and nieces (all located in Texas!)
Has been to over 30 concerts in his life (Childish Gambino, Brand New, Against Me, Taking Back Sunday, etc.)