Birth Parent Stories

Birth Parent Stories2018-06-26T13:06:03-05:00

Birth Mother Stories

Considering placing a baby for adoption, but not sure what to expect? Read real, honest stories from birth mothers that have worked with Adoption Advocates to learn why they chose open adoption, what the process was like, and how adoption has affected them long-term.

Maria’s Story

When I first found out about B, I was in the ER for a completely different reason. The doctor came in and told me that my blood test was [...]

Lauren’s Story

Austin birth mom Lauren shares why she chose to place her baby for adoption with Adoption Advocates - and the unexpected bonus she received.

Angelina’s Story

Angelina is a birth mother who chose adoption for her child through Adoption Advocates. She is passionate on the subject of adoption and recently shared her thoughts on her [...]

Lily’s Story

In October I began to consider adoption. It was the only solution I could see that could spare this child from a dysfunctional situation. The father continued to inform [...]

Tracy’s Story

I was a dancer, and I had just gotten a divorce. I met this guy through a friend of a friend at work. We hadn’t been dating a long [...]

Mary’s Story

I never thought I was pregnant. My cycle has always been really irregular, and I didn’t think anything of it when I missed my period. I noticed some physical [...]

Jenny’s Story

I first found out I was pregnant when I was about three months along. The father wasn’t much interested, and so I decided I wanted to give the baby [...]