Jess & Dave
Jess and Dave have recently been chosen by an expectant parent and are no longer available to be matched with. Other families are still waiting though, and you can VIEW THEM HERE. To learn about additional families or to speak with an adoption specialist, please call Adoption Advocates at (512) 477-1122.
Thank you for taking the time to learn a little about us. We are very excited to grow our loving family and become nurturing parents to a wonderful child. We are committed to creating a healthy relationship that works for our family and yours. We hope this provides you with the opportunity to get to know us and see if our family is a good fit for yours.
If there was one word to sum us up, it would be the f-word….Fun! We met Thanksgiving Eve, Dave was a rock singer in a band and Jess was the admiring face in the crowd. A mutual friend set us up and our love rocked on from there. We have been together since 2005 and married in 2014 in storybook fashion – if the storybook included a vineyard, sunset, full dance floor, family photo booths and laughs for days. In 2015 we were excited to grow our family but our struggle
with infertility led us toward the excitement of the adoption process. The challenges have only brought us closer and stronger as a couple who have a lot of love to offer. We recently moved to the West Austin area from western NY in late June 2020.
Things We Can’t Wait to Do as a Family
Teach him or her how to swing | Play Guess Who | Celebrate birthdays | Watch The Never Ending Story | Travel to Disney World | Read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie |Dance like a robot
We share our home with our two fur babies, Kiko the cat and Parker, the golden retriever. Kiko is a very social kitty who is loving and kind to humans tall and small. He loves playing with Parker and lounging in the sun. Parker is pure puppy! She loves to play, go for walks, learn new tricks and lather you up with kisses. She is sweet and patient with kids of all ages. These fur babies are looking forward to sharing their home with another human to love on!
We are new residents to the Austin area, arriving in late June of 2020 from Western NY. We live in a wonderfully diverse, family filled apartment complex in the Steiner Ranch area. We love that there are schools within walking distance with modern playground facilities and Lake Travis nearby where we can enjoy the parks and fun water activities. The apartment complex is full of young couples, big families, happy children, and friendly pets. Inside our apartment we enjoy spending time in our kitchen, experimenting with various dinner recipes. We wish we could say they were all delicious, but we try our best and are surprised sometimes. We love listening to music and curling up on the couch to watch a good movie. We really like decorating for various holidays and seasons.
We consider ourselves movers and shakers. We enjoy anything that involves just that! We love going to live sporting events like football, baseball, or basketball games. We enjoy traveling no matter how far. It could be a day trip or an island getaway, we love discovering new and exciting places, and making everlasting memories. We are both energetic people who enjoy keeping active. We enjoy hiking, walking, water sports and dancing. We both enjoy music of all kinds. The best being something we can dance to!
We have a family that loves to have fun together! Time by the lake, backyard gatherings, holiday feasts, and traveling. You name it, it’s always fun when we get together! With Jess’s family we enjoy visiting them in NY at her Dad’s cottage where we have cook outs and participate in water sports. Another thing unique about Jess’s family is its size. Her dad is one of 17 kids, so there is never a shortage of family members. They live all over the U.S. and are always up for a visit!
We absolutely love traveling to see Dave’s family! We visit his siblings and parents often in California, western New York, and New Mexico. We also enjoy taking full family trips with them! Our last adventure was a trip to Hawaii. We are looking forward to planning our next family fun vacation together and our nephews are looking forward to a new cousin to go on adventures with! Both of our families are beyond excited about our adoption plans. They are all just as eager as we are to welcome another child to love!
Adoption to us means just one word- family. It’s the opportunity to grow and expand our family. It’s opening our hearts to not only a child, but to their family, their culture, their heritage, and all the things that make them unique.

5 Things About
When I grew up I wanted to be a dancer and choreographer.
I am really good at prioritizing and silly voices.
I am terrible at picking where to eat and what movie to watch.
My favorite quote is “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel” -Maya Angelou
My best mom joke is “How do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boogie in it!”

5 Things About
When I grew up I wanted to be an artist.
I am really good at keeping a positive attitude, learning new skills, and trying to dance.
I am terrible at public speaking and decorating.
My favorite quote is “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken” – Oscar Wilde
I realized I was no longer cool when I got excited about a great deal on a washer and dryer.