Adoption Advocates offers domestic adoption home study and post-placement services regardless of what agency you are working with. We are licensed in Texas and our counselors are available to travel to your home.

Who Needs a Home Study?

All adoptive parents in Texas are required to have an approved home study, also known as pre-adoptive home screening, before placement of a child can take place. If you are in adopting in Texas through any of the following adoption channels, you will need an approved adoption home study.

  • Domestic infant adoption
  • Designated adoption
  • Kinship adoption
  • Embryo adoption

What to Expect

Learning what your home study will entail will help you prepare for it and ease any anxiety you have about this step in the process. Your home study specialist can go over the process in more detail but your study will include:

  • Collecting a number of documents required in the process
  • Interviewing household members (age 3 and up) to learn more about your motivations, past experiences, sensitivity to potential issues and expectations for the future
  • Assessing your home to ensure that it provides a safe environment with adequate space
  • Determining your financial ability to support a child
  • Conducting background checks on household members (age 14 and up)
  • Preparing and delivering a final report

Texas Home Study Costs

Initial Home Study: $1500 plus travel fees if out-of-area ($25/hour plus mileage)
Home Study Update: $550

Post-Placement Services

Adoption Advocates can also conduct the post-placement visits required by the state of Texas before finalization can take place. These visits will ensure that the child and your family are a good fit and are adjusting well.

In-Home: $350 plus travel fees if out-of-area ($25/hour plus mileage)
Private Office Visit: $200
Group: $125 per family
Additional siblings: $50 per report

Get More Information

Contact Adoption Advocates at (512) 477-1122 with questions or to get started on your adoption home study in Texas. Or submit the form online and we’ll give you a call to discuss your needs.

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