Designated adoption services are for clients who have connected outside of an adoption agency but would like full agency services during the process. Situations that call for a designation adoption include an expectant parent placing with a family member (also known as kinship adoption), parents that met through mutual friends or church, or an expectant parent that has already placed a child with the same family.
With the designated adoption, the agency will provide all the same services as our full service adoption but at reduced fees. Services include counseling and support to both the expectant and adoptive parents, assistance with hospital planning, facilitating relinquishment and placement and assessing and providing maternity related financial assistance to the expectant mother, which can only be done by a licensed child-placing agency.
Designated Adoption Service Fees
TOTAL AGENCY FEE: $18,500 + pass through expenses (maternity related assistance, legal fees, staff travel, etc.) if the expectant parent is more than 24 weeks gestation.
Services covered under the designated adoption fee:
* Payment for additional costs for expectant parent post-placement services, assistance with living expenses, or financial medical assistance will be due within 10 days of termination of post-placement services.