White adoptive parents Kerri and James in Dallas, TX with their adopted son

Kerri & James

We don’t know what it’s like to be in your shoes, but we see you and we honor you for making a decision that is right for you. Regardless of if you decide to parent or to place your baby, we are full of gratitude to have this connection. You are so loved.

We are excited to grow our family through adoption once again. In 2023, we welcomed our son into our lives through adoption, and he has brought more love, laughter, and joy into our home than we ever imagined. Parenting him has been the greatest honor, and we are ready to expand our family, knowing how deeply rewarding and beautiful this journey can be. Adoption holds a special place in our hearts, and we can’t wait to welcome another child into our home.

One thing that we’ve learned throughout the years is that life is not perfect – it is full of twists and turns, good times and bad, heartache and joy. Through it all, becoming parents has been the most profound and humbling experience of our lives. The thought of being chosen to love and parent another child fills us with trust, hope, and gratitude as we embrace this next chapter in our family’s story.

We appreciate you spending time with us by reading through the our profile page. It is a privilege to connect with you.

Things We Can’t Wait to Do as a Family

Play LEGOs | Read the stories they write | Travel to outdoor adventures | Visit new places | Celebrate their unique gifts and talents | Teach him or her how to create and play music | Watch their creativity come to life | Bake Christmas cookies | Make art | Explore and spend time in nature

Kerri and James making tea in their modern, dark gray kitchen

Our Son

We have a son, Duke, who we adopted in 2023. He is the most incredible little boy! He is sweet, smart, kind, funny, and curious… and so much fun. His favorite thing right now is blowing kisses to the people he loves, it is the cutest thing and makes our hearts melt. We have an open adoption and visit with his birth parents regularly.

Adoptive parents holding newborn son

Parenting Philosophy

The commitments we will make to a child are:

  • To love them unconditionally for who they are
  • To honor their background, story, and biology, and celebrate their unique identity
  • To nurture their innate interests, talents, and passions
  • To raise a child to know that they are worthy of their biggest dreams and that they are here to bring their gifts to the world
  • To create a safe, supportive, loving home and community for them
  • To focus our family time on having fun, being creative, listening to music, going on adventures, communicating honestly, and truly experiencing the joys of life
adopted son with family dog, a blue heeler

Our Pets

We love animals! We have two kitties, Willie Nelson and Dottie, who are three years old. And we have a sweet dog named Loretta, who is two years old.

Kerri and James with kids in extended family

Our Extended Family

We are really close to our families! Kerri’s parents and sister, and her family, live less than five miles from us. We have a nephew and niece who we love dearly! We spend time together every week. We cherish holidays and Summer vacations together.

James is an only child. We visit his parents in Phoenix and when we get together we love to play games.

Both of our families will be involved in the baby’s life. They are very supportive of our decision to adopt and are so excited for us to grow our family!

black and white photo of adoptive parents looking at their newborn son with love

What We Want You to Know

It’s not lost on us what a big decision you have to make, we are thinking about you and sending love to you every day. While we don’t know what it’s like to make a choice like this, we do know what it’s like to face a big challenge. In moments of challenge in our own lives, we’ve learned that getting quiet and connecting to our highest selves has always allowed us to make the best next decision. Taking care of yourself, listening to the voice in your heart, trusting your own inner wisdom – those are the ways that we navigate challenging times, and we offer that to you as a way to send our support. Oh, and music…. listening to our favorite songs or records has always helped us through our toughest times. We really hope we get to meet you. You are so, so loved.

Kerri, a prospective adoptive mother in Austin, TX

5 Things About


A few of my favorite things are: being in nature, fresh flowers, reading + learning, spending time with friends and family & going on morning sunrise walks.

I grew up in a small town in Ohio. I moved to Austin after college. A few years later I introduced my older sister to her now husband and she moved to Texas. A few years after that my parents moved to Texas to live close to us. I love that we get to spend so much time together.

My purpose is to be a vessel of love. This shows up in the way that I love my life, how I love people, and how I love my connection to something greater than me.

I am passionate about doing things that bring me joy, simply for the sake of bringing me joy!

Being a mother is my favorite role in life. It is the greatest gift to support and guide another human through life. My goal is to nurture a child’s inherent gifts and raise them to know that they are worthy of any dream they have for their life.

James, a prospective adoptive father in Austin, TX

5 Things About


A few of my favorite things: Art, woodworking, playing the guitar, listening to records, being out in nature.

I grew up in a small town in Northeast Ohio. Growing up, I loved playing in the woods surrounded by trees and swimming in the lake. Although we both grew up in Ohio, Kerri and I met each other while living in Phoenix.

I am an artist, maker and designer, and enjoy bringing new ideas to realization. I am currently working on oil painting, building guitars, and finishing out the interior of a vintage Airstream we plan to take on camping trips.

I’m passionate about creativity, music, the arts, engineering and design.

I love being a dad! As we grow our family, it’s important for me to share the things I’ve learned, support our kids in doing things they love, and encourage them to continue to learn and grow.

Get In Touch with Kerri & James

If you think we might be the right match for you and your child, we’d love to hear from you! You can send us a message online or call our agency, Adoption Advocates, at (512) 477-1122 / (800) 966-HOPE to get connected.