Adoption Glossary: Terms to Know
December 12, 2024

Adoption is a deeply meaningful journey, but the language surrounding it can often be new or confusing. Whether you’re an expectant parent, adoptive family, or social work professional, becoming familiar with the terminology will allow you to navigate the process more clearly and confidently.
Here are some of the key terms associated with adoption that you’ll be hearing as you explore adoption.
Adoption Plan: A series of choices made by expectant parents detailing their wishes for the adoption.
Closed Adoption: A type of adoption where the birth parent(s) and the adoptive family do not exchange personal information and no communication happens after placement.
Cradle Care: Private foster care provided by an adoption agency on a short-term basis
Designated Adoption: An adoption where the birth parent(s) met and chose the adoptive family independently.
Failed Match: A situation in which an expectant parent and adoptive family have officially matched, but placement does not take place.
Finalization: The court hearing that finalizes the adoptive family as legal parents
Home Study: Pre-adoptive home studies are required by all adoptive parents in the State of Texas before placement can happen.
ICPC: Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children, a legal agreement in the U.S. that regulates the placement of children across state lines in foster care, kinship care, and adoption.
Kinship Adoption: Adoption by a biological family member such as an aunt or grandparent
Legal Risk Adoption: Placement of a child with an adoptive family when one or both birth parents’ rights have not yet been terminated.
Open Adoption: A type of adoption where the birth parent(s) and adoptive family exchange personal information and communicate directly with each other.
Placement: Transfer of physical custody of a child to the adoptive parents.
Post Adoption Contact Agreement (PACA): A plan of agreed contact and openness between birth parents and the adoptive family.
Putative Father: A man who is alleged to be or claims to be the biological father of a child born out of wedlock.
Paternity Registry: A state-run database that allows men to declare their rights as a potential father.
Semi-Open Adoption: A type of adoption where the birth parent(s) receive photos and updates on their child, but all communication goes through the adoption agency.
Relinquishment: The process through which a birth parent voluntarily terminates his or her parental rights.
Teratogen: A substance that can cause abnormalities or non-hereditary birth defects in a developing embryo or fetus.
Triad: The three main parties of the adoption relationship: the birth parents, the adoptive parents and the adoptee.