When you work with Adoption Advocates, you have a team of professionals to support you at every step. We take care of the details so you can focus on the big parts of  your adoption journey, like processing your emotions and making choices for you or your family’s future.

We’re here when you’re ready to start exploring adoption or have questions. Call (512) 477-1122 or send us an email.

Rory Hall, LCPAA
Rory Hall, LCPAAExecutive Director
Rory Hall has worked in adoption since 1995. In addition to overseeing operations of the agency…read more.
Shaelynn Wolfe
Shaelynn WolfeFamily Services Coordinator
Shaelynn works with expectant parents to help navigate their adoption process and also assists with outreach to the North Texas community. …read more.
Alicia Ports, LMSW
Alicia Ports, LMSWAdoption Services Manager
Alicia provides counseling and adoption planning services for expectant parents who are considering adoption …read more.
Cinthia Cortez
Cinthia CortezBlingual Adoption Specialist
Cinthia provides guidance for expectant parents exploring adoption in both English and Spanish… …read more.
Megan Fuller
Megan FullerDirector of Marketing & Outreach
As marketing director, Megan helps create visibility for Adoption Advocates. …read more.
Janie Cravens, LCSW-ACP
Janie Cravens, LCSW-ACPDirector of Training and Education
Janie Cravens has worked in the field of Child Welfare since 1979 …read more.
Jane Hall
Jane HallFounder
Jane Hall has a personal interest in adoption since she herself was adopted at an early age…read more.