This weekend is a big one for the AAI family. Birth Mother’s Day (Saturday) and Mother’s Day exist to celebrate the people we love most. On these days, we strive to show our appreciation for all of the mothers we’ve worked with over the past 22 years.
Both adoptive and birth mothers have their own ways of commemorating this holiday. Whichever piece of the adoption puzzle you represent, it’s a day to be proud of the contributions you’ve made to this world through your children. AAI works every day to nurture the rich and complex bonds of motherhood that adoption creates, and hopes that every mother will take time to celebrate herself this weekend.
This holiday will undoubtedly conjure up a mixture of emotions. While it is a time of love and celebration, it can also be a difficult time of year for our mothers. For our birth mothers, its is a reminder of the sacrifices they have made for the benefit of their children. Our adoptive mothers often face conflicting emotions on Mother’s Day, knowing that their joy comes from someone else’s loss. So, this time of year always reminds us at AAI of the strength and selflessness of all of the women we work with every day. The children we place have two families, with two loving mothers. There is no better gift than that.
So, to AAI’s entire family of mothers: We would like to thank you for giving our work joy and purpose. We appreciate and admire each and every one of you. Have a happy and proud Mother’s Day weekend. You deserve it!
The AAI Team