Amanda and Zac, a married hetero couple who want to adopt.

Amanda & Zac

Amanda and Zac have recently been chosen by an expectant parent and are not currently available to be matched with. Other families are still waiting though, and you can VIEW THEM HERE. To learn about additional families or to speak with an adoption specialist, please call Adoption Advocates at (512) 477-1122.

Hello! We’re Amanda and Zac from Illinois, married for 13 years. Thank you for taking the time to read our profile. We hope it gives you a glimpse into how much love there is in our home, and all the ways we would share that love with a child.

We met online nearly 18 years ago, and quickly became best friends, bonding over shared passions for nature and the arts, traveling the world, and experiencing new things. Our friendship blossomed into romance, then lead to marriage and Zac’s relocation from Canada where he grew up. Back then, it felt like fate had brought us together, and we’re still so grateful to this day to have found each other despite the borders that were between us.

We’re people who value hard work, education, and keeping promises, but also recognize the importance of relaxing, having fun, and goofing around. We try to find a happy balance with all things in life. We’re blessed to have a wonderful extended family and two loyal, playful dogs.

There’s a lot more to learn about us below. Thanks again for considering us for what is such an important decision. We know you love this child and only want what’s best for them. Whether you choose us or not, we encourage you to trust your instincts. You’ll know the right family when you see them.

Things We Can’t Wait to Do as a Family

Read Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White | Visit The Shedd Aquarium in downtown Chicago (Amanda loves the penguins and otters!) | Travel to Canada to visit family and play in the snow (for the authentic Canadian experience) | Celebrate Halloween! We love to decorate and throw costume parties. | Teach him or her how to play an instrument (just… maybe not the drums?) | Cheer on the Chicago Cubs and Toronto Blue Jays | Watch The Muppet Christmas Carol – it’s one of our favorite Christmas traditions! | Bake Kolaczki, a traditional Polish cookie made with jelly (our favorite flavors are apricot and strawberry!) | Go camping under the stars | Make forts in the basement

large suburban home of couple who wants to adopt
large suburban home of couple who wants to adopt

Our Multi-Generational Home

We live in our forever home in a western suburb of Chicago. It has six bedrooms and a huge backyard bordered by a small, wooded area. We have fruit trees and gardens, with plans to add bees and chickens in the future.

Our city is an amazing place to raise kids with tons of activities to do inside and out. We love living close to a river and a nature preserve. Our neighborhood is in a great school district and very safe.

Our home life is unique because it’s shared with Amanda’s brother, William, his wife, Monika, and Amanda’s mom, Joanne. A few years back, we all realized our values and future goals matched up perfectly, so we decided to create a multi-generational household together. We wanted a place where our kids could grow up with tangible love and support from our family. Everyone contributes and uses their unique strengths and skills to make life easier and happier for one another. We love living life with some of the people that mean the most to us!

two dogs belonging to family who hope to adopt a baby

Our Pets

Zephyr is our 11-year-old whippet, whose goofy nickname is Snute (it means ‘nose’ in Norwegian). He is a cuddly dog and is as sweet as they come, always curling up under a cozy blanket and sticking close to us wherever we go. Despite his age, Zephyr still has the heart of a puppy and the soul of a couch potato. He’s super-fast and is a pro at fetching. He has a gentle nature with kids and a deep love for play.

Nova is Will and Monika’s three-year-old Australian Cattle Dog. She is a whirlwind of excitement, constantly on the lookout for new playmates and her next adventure. She’s great with kids, too (especially ones who will play with her) and matches Zephyr’s love of fetch, so much that she sometimes falls asleep with a tennis ball in her mouth!

Adoptive dad Zac teaching piano to young child

Our Parenting Philosophy

We understand that adoption is a difficult and complicated process for everyone involved, particularly the child who will grow up facing two distinct identities. The challenges unique to adoption will be at the forefront of our parenting philosophy. We want our home to be a place where a child can feel loved, accepted, and respected for who they are, and who they become, whatever shape that may take. We will encourage them to explore all facets of their identity without fear of judgement or disapproval. We want them to know where they came from, celebrate their heritage, and make it a valued part of our family. We will strive to help them navigate this difficult path and cherish their adoption story as an important part of themselves. We will love them unconditionally and make sure they know it every single day!

Extended family of adoptive mom Amanda
Extended family of adoptive dad Zac

Our Extended Family

Amanda grew up with three siblings: older sister, Samantha, younger brother, William, and younger sister, Katelyn. Kate and her wife Mandy live nearby and visit frequently. Sam and her husband Brian live in Michigan and have one son, Christian, who is 13. They visit several times a year and Christian always stays with us for a few weeks in the summer. Will and his wife, Monika, live with us, and we love that our lives are intertwined. Will, Amanda, and Zac love doing home improvement projects together, and Monika is amazing at making our house feel like home. Amanda’s mother, Joanne, also lives with us, and is very excited about being a grandmother again!

Zac’s family is all back in Canada. His mom, Lynda, and dad, Kent, and most of his aunts, uncles, and cousins live in Ontario. We love spending time with his parents and we’re especially close to one of his aunts, Wendy.  We try to visit at least 2 or 3 times a year and are hoping to visit even more in the future. We would like for our child to have a strong connection with our Canadian family and to learn about Canada’s culture and history. It’s a beautifully diverse country and we can’t wait to share where Zac grew up with our child!

What Adoption Means to Us

Like many couples hoping to adopt, we’ve struggled with infertility and have no children of our own. We’ve come to adoption because we still have a strong desire to be parents, an abundance of love to give, and so much we hope to share with a child.  We also have a connection to adoption through Zac’s grandmother, Violet, who was adopted.  She was separated from her birth family for over 50 years, only reuniting with them later in life, and finding that connection again meant so much to her. That’s partly why we believe in keeping this adoption as open and transparent as possible, should you desire it, with regular updates, frequent communication, and visits.  We’ve seen firsthand how important those bonds are to maintain, and we believe that more love in a child’s life can never be a bad thing!

Ruben, an LGBT Austin parent that wants to adopt a baby

5 Things About


Has more houseplants than shoes. If she could put plants in the closet, she probably would.

Went bungee jumping over the crystal-clear waters in the Gulf of Mexico. It was beautiful and exciting, but once was definitely enough.

Thanks to her 7th grade English teacher, she can still recite all the prepositions in alphabetical order in less than 30 seconds.

Has traveled to five of the seven continents.  She just needs Australia and Antarctica to complete the set.

Loves hosting family gatherings and holiday parties, and cooking and baking for large groups. Tends to go overboard, perhaps, but Zac never complains about all the leftovers.

Miguel, half of an Austin LGBT couple that wants to adopt a baby

5 Things About


Caffeine doesn’t affect him much, so you’ll find him drinking coffee at all hours. He also taught himself how to be a barista and makes a mean latte.

Was in a heavy metal band in high school, though his musical tastes have mellowed since then… and he cut his hair.

Is always working on something creative, whether it be a story, song, or sketch, and dreams of finishing a novel someday.

Spent two summers during college working as an extra in TV and film. You could say the back of his head is famous.

Grew up in Canada, so he bleeds maple syrup and always holds the door open for strangers.

Get In Touch with Amanda and Zac

If you think we might be the right match for you and your child, we’d love to hear from you! You can send us a message online or call our agency, Adoption Advocates, at (512) 477-1122 / (800) 966-HOPE to get connected.

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